Atuih: “What an introvert. “


Soo what can be said about this? Overwatch, I love writing about this, because people give the best material, and they don’t even mean to. Let me explain.

Playing Overwatch tonight with Xeylore, we were on fire. No a fire Extinguisher was not needed. Thanks for your concern. Anyways, my community knows I have a few statements for the ends of matches, and I happened to hit up ” Thanks for going easy on us, we’re drunk”. Not far off from the point. I have an expensive habit when it comes to Scotch so it doesn’t take too many of them to have a good buzz. Those that know me, know I keep JW Blue in reach.

Atiuh decides to have some fun, to paraphrase ( cause I don’t listen to kids often anyhow) “Have some more of those hard seltzers.”
I just about spit my 32.oo a glass scotch at my monitor. I laughed. I really laughed. So I gave him the site and told him I would post a pic.

This, Lads and lasses is what happens when dumb kids play in my pond, they get soaked in their own misgivings, and have to trudge back to their reality of taking out the trash for their parents and begging to take the car so they can go down to the seven 11 and get a slushy and slim jim. My scotch is worth more than the majority of what you got in your pc cabinet.

Have a great day!

Oh.. I forgot, Yes, yes I do have a big set of balls. Let me know you read it by adding me on to your Battlenet……. You won’t.. No Balls 😀

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