Call of Duty Modern Warfare.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare.


Could this be possible? Have they finally got it? Did they listen? Infinity Ward gives up this teaser trailer for their Call of Duty series. Introducing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
Wait. Modern Warfare? Didn’t they already have Call of Duty 4 Modern warfare? Yes. They did. It was their last great Call of duty game due to the Men behind it ( Jason West and Vince Zampella currently of Respawn Entertainment, Formerly of Activision).
Now, I’m not here to bash them for making a modern warfare game. I am an old style gamer and in that aspect, I don’t think Call of Duty was ever meant to be futuristic. It was ( forgive the moniker) a Call TO DUTY. Looking at the video, it seems like they may have gone back to the ” farm ” so to speak and pulled up their roots. The issue I see is, still killing the public and trying to squeeze the money out of it. PS4 exclusive beta ? What is with charging for beta ? You are required to go in and prepurchase this to get a beta code.

I seem to remember an era that put activision/infinity ward where they are and it had NOTHING to do with ” exclusive content” nor with needing to prepurchase to play a beta. They want the public to test it, but to pay for the privilege? Why not Dedicated servers for the public while we are at it. REAL game companies are still giving the public Dedicated server files so they can host their own game servers. COD4 was the end of an era.

Gaming now consists of choking the public out till these companies have a moment to slide their grimy hands into your pocket and take what they can get away with. If they really understood what they were doing they would realize that their involvement would actually stop at the release of the game and perhaps some DLC. They wouldn’t have to host the servers as they have to for Overwatch. They could patch the game if there is an issue and call it a day. After release you could get on to making the next new game you want to work on.

Seriously. Just don’t get these companies.

But anyways, check out the video. Amazing looking graphics and play style. It may be a true homage to COD4, but we shall see.