Overwatch: Most toxic FPS out there.

Overwatch: Most toxic FPS out there.


But, I play it anyways (and so do many other people) for the damnedest reasons.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good game. That is, until Jeff Kaplan and his group of trained Space Pandas start messing about and changing things about the game, that has nothing to do with what they are saying the changes are actually for.

Take for instance the reigning super meta ” Goats “. It is the unbeatable meta to break all meta. If you’re wondering what a meta is, it is a term used to describe the ” Team Build” used by professional… Wait, the term is used by everyone, professional players or not.

So your team build, team composition, current Meta. The meta Goats has been a dominating force in OWl ( overwatch league). Blizzard has done EVERYTHING they can to try and deter the use of what is also commonly known as the 3-3. 3 Supports and three tanks.  Usually the combination and sub ins are: Brigitte, Moira, Lucio, Reinhardt, Winston/Zarya/Roadhog, D.Va.

For more information please see  Goats Comp  (but please do not pay attention to the ramblings of the individual known as Deadly Aztec. It is obvious that hind sight is always 20/20. I am sure if he looks back on his posts from August of last year, he probably wonders what the hell he was talking about).

In the last year, Kaplan has done everything he can do with his Dev team to try to break this. Reaper gets the unholiest of buffs, Brigg gets nerfed and the list goes on and on.

Now, fast forward to the current Update released by Kaplan and team: Current Dev Update

If you took your time to watch Jeff ramble on about the update, you will have heard something about Role Locking, 2-2-2 ( two dps two support two tank) and so on. I can’t listen to the man for more than the time it takes him to say hello personally. So, not going to lie, I got the cliff notes. Choose a DPS and get locked into it. You can’t decide to choose and go to something else during that round? Perhaps.

Now myself and others in the DSP community have been talking on this, and one of the most well written statements that covers almost every base on this issue was written by a gent by the name of <bold>NightFade</bold>.

I don’t know. I keep trying to find a positive to it, but I just don’t see it. I don’t understand why people wanted this. It kills the original point to Overwatch completely. It aggravates me that some of the people defending it are so deluded, they actually believe being a Flex player is switching from McCree to Soldier…. Someone also made a point on how this will create a new problem. ” Longer queue times for damage role just means people will queue for support and play them as damage dealers. E.g. Battle Mercy, right-click/dmg orb moira, Ana in place of Widowmaker, etc.” So yeah, totally looking forward to more healers who don’t heal cause they wanted to DPS but couldn’t get into one without waiting an hour. Also, spawn camping is going to be soooo much worse now.
The game was built around the idea of having counters for every hero and switching to them as needed. If you’re an Ana or a Mercy and have a Mei sitting outside your spawn killing you over and over again, what do you do now? You HAVE to rely on a teammate that is in the role that can counter her to save your butt…
Here’s my prediction: The game is going to have an influx of players when it releases of all the people that actually wanted this crap. They will play for like a week or a month at best. They will quickly realize all the new problems this brings and leave. All the players who like Overwatch as it stands now, will either quit day one of the patch or be gone soon after. The queue times will become god awful, especially for DPS, so people will move on and play something else. Good chance Overwatch will die
That’s how I see it anyway

Fade ( as we more commonly call NightFade) hits it on the head. Longer times for games where people aren’t instalocking dps of their choice. No way to switch to be able to attempt a counter ( Not that this affects me ( sounds cocky I know ), I play junk rat and kill pharahs’ on request) and people taking the healers and playing them as DPS anyways. Not that this doesn’t already happen. It does. More often than not.

I guess what this really comes down to is, the game isn’t the game I bought and if they don’t leave QuickPlay alone, people need to band together and get the money back. Then perhaps Blizzard will listen to everyone instead of the cry babies in the back line.

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